
English dictionary लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Fundamental of English language : Parts of Speech

English Grammar basic  Hello friends. My all dear readers ! To day we are going to discuss about the fundamental of English language : Parts of Speech. Before starting I request to you that subscribe my blog using your Email And get notified about my all future post. Then let's start friends. Parts of Speech 👉 All the Words of English language are divided into eight groups according to the work in a sentence. Each group is called Parts of Speech.       These are - Noun  Pronoun  Adjective Verb Adverb Preposition Conjunction Interjunction Noun Definition:- 👉 Noun is the name of a person, animal, place, thing or feeling. 👉 A Noun is the name of anything. 👉 A Noun is a naming word . Example:- Ahamd, boy, Delhi, ...... etc. Kinds of Noun  There are five kinds of Noun .These are... Proper Noun Common Noun Collective Noun Material Noun Abstract Noun

Class room related words

Classroom Related Words 1. Look at the board. = Blackboard की तरफ देखना. 2. Write on the board. = बोर्ड पर लिखना. 3. Dictate a sentence. = वाक्य का कथन करना. 4. Copy the word. = शब्द को देख के लिखना. 5. Take notes. = Notes बनाना 6. Say your name. = अपना नाम बताना 7. Spell your name. = अपने नाम की spelling बताना 8. Take out a piece of paper. = कागज का एक टुकड़ा निकालना. 9. Pass a test. = टेस्ट पास करना 10. Hand in your test. = अपने टेस्ट की copy अध्यापक को देना. 11. Raise your hand. = हाथ खड़ा करना 12. Participate in the class. = कक्षा में भाग लेना 13. Ask for help. = मदद के लिए पूछना 14. Stand up, please. = कृपया, खड़े हो जाइए 15. Sit down, please. =  कृपया, बैठ जाइए 16. Repeat after me, please. = कृपया, मेरे साथ दोहराइए 17. Work in pairs. = जोड़े में काम करना 18. Ask your partner. = अपने साथी से पूछना 19. Put away, your books. = अपनी किताबों को अंदर रख दो. 20. Clear off your desk. = अपनी मेज़ पर से सब सामान हटा देना 21. Look at the picture. = तस्वी

15 bank related words

Bank Related Words: 1. ATM: abbreviation of Automated Teller Machine: a machine, usually in a wall outside a bank, from which you can take money out of your bank account using a special card. मशीन जिस से पैसे निकाले जा सकते हैं. 2. Bank balance: अकाउंट में जो पैसे होते हैं E.g. I'd like to check my bank balance, please. 3. Bank charges: sums of money paid by a customer for a bank's services. बैंक की सर्विस इस्तेमाल करने के लिए कस्टमर को कुछ पैसे देने पड़ते हैं 4. Bank statement: a printed record of the money put into and removed from a bank account. एक statement जिसमें यह लिखा होता है कि बैंक में कितने पैसे डाले गए और कितने निकाले गए 5. Bounce: when a check cannot be paid or accepted by a bank because of a lack of money in the account. बैंक check स्वीकार नहीं करता जब बैंक में पैसे नहीं होते. E.g. I had to pay a penalty fee when my check bounced. 6. Loan: ऋण E.g. She's trying to get a $100 000 loan to start her own business. 7. Overdraft