Fundamental of English language : Parts of Speech

English Grammar basic 

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My all dear readers !

To day we are going to discuss about the fundamental of English language : Parts of Speech.
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Parts of Speech

👉All the Words of English language are divided into eight groups according to the work in a sentence. Each group is called Parts of Speech.
      These are -
  • Noun 
  • Pronoun 
  • Adjective
  • Verb
  • Adverb
  • Preposition
  • Conjunction
  • Interjunction


👉 Noun is the name of a person, animal, place, thing or feeling.
👉 A Noun is the name of anything.
👉 A Noun is a naming word .
Example:- Ahamd, boy, Delhi, ...... etc.
Kinds of Noun 
There are five kinds of Noun .These are...
  • Proper Noun
  • Common Noun
  • Collective Noun
  • Material Noun
  • Abstract Noun


Definition:- The word which is used in the place of Noun is called Pronoun.
👉A Pronoun is a word used instead of a Noun.
👉A Pronoun stands for a Noun.
Eg:  Noun                        Pronoun
Mohan is a boy.              He is a boy.
Sohan is playing.           He is playing.
Sita is a girl.                    She is a girl.
Friends here you  can observe that He and She is used in the place of Mohan , Sohan and Sita . So these are called Pronoun.
Kinds of Pronoun
There are 10 kinds of Pronoun. These are- 
  1. Personal Pronoun
  2. Possessive Pronoun
  3. Reflexive Pronoun
  4. Emphatic Pronoun
  5. Demonstrative Pronoun
  6. Indefinite Pronoun
  7. Distributive Pronoun
  8. Reciprocal Pronoun
  9. Relative Pronoun
  10. Interrogative Pronoun 


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