Summary of the Poem "Adlestrop "


Author : Edward Thomas

Born    : in 1878 (London)
Died    : 1917 

1.Que  : Write a critical summary of the poem"Adlestrop".

Ans.    :  The poem "Adlestrop" has been written by Edward Thomas. He was a great   Poet of England. He was born in London in 1878. He began writing poems in 1912. He wrote fewer than 150 poems in his lifetime. He was a   Sensitive poet(संवेदनशील कवि).
                               In this poem,  the poet describes his a memorable(यादगार)  journey(यात्रा) by train. Once  poet was traveling by train. It was an express train which reached the Adlestrop station. It was the month of  June. The month was full of heat. He watched the activities on Platform. These were very realistic (यथार्थवादी). It was completely a rural area. The nature looked green and beautiful around the station. Birds were singing the melodious song here. 

     The poet could not forget that memorable journey until the last breath of his life. In this poem poet wants to show a close relationship between the world of machines and the world of nature.

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