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Fundamental of English language : Parts of Speech

English Grammar basic  Hello friends. My all dear readers ! To day we are going to discuss about the fundamental of English language : Parts of Speech. Before starting I request to you that subscribe my blog using your Email And get notified about my all future post. Then let's start friends. Parts of Speech 👉 All the Words of English language are divided into eight groups according to the work in a sentence. Each group is called Parts of Speech.       These are - Noun  Pronoun  Adjective Verb Adverb Preposition Conjunction Interjunction Noun Definition:- 👉 Noun is the name of a person, animal, place, thing or feeling. 👉 A Noun is the name of anything. 👉 A Noun is a naming word . Example:- Ahamd, boy, Delhi, ...... etc. Kinds of Noun  There are five kinds of Noun .These are... Proper Noun Common Noun Collective Noun Material Noun Abstract Noun

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