What is article ?

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Welcome to my blog . This is Ahmad Hussain . The language expert .
Author of the blog.
friends today we Will discuss about article .
👉 Definition of article 
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Friends let's start -
Definition of article: A, An, and The is called article .

                    Kinds of article 
There are two types of article -
(I)  indefinite article :- A, and An is called indefinite article .
(ii) Definite article:- The is called Definite article.
  👉Uses of article :- 
         Uses of indefinite article (a,an)
Rule-I:  a and an is used before singular countable noun .
Example:-.  He is a boy.
                      I'm an honest man.
 👉 Friends here we can see that boy and man is a noun and these are called countable noun because we can count them so we use an and an before it.
Rule-II: Don't use A and An before Plural Countable noun.
Ex- These are a bags (××)
        We are a doctors(××)
Rule III : Use A before the word beginning with consonant sound.
E.g-. A bat .
A dog .
A Apple (××)
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